Patients are seen by appointment only.

Please arrive 15 minutes earlier than your appointment time. This will allow us to review, update or complete your demographic information. Please notify us immediately of any changes in your name, address, phone number or insurance. You will be required to update your demographic information once every year and whenever your information changes. For your convenience, you may print the patient registration form from our website and bring the form already filled out to the office.

Bring your current insurance card with you for each appointment. If your insurance coverage is through a family member, please have that person’s information as well. If we do not have your current information, you will be responsible for payment. New patients will also be asked for photo ID (driver’s license).

Familiarize yourself with your insurance guidelines regarding co-pays, deductibles and HMO referrals.

If you have a co-pay, payment is required at the time of service, in accordance with your insurance company guidelines.

A refraction is the portion of your examination during which your glasses or contact lens prescription is determined. This service is generally NOT covered by most health insurance policies. Vision care plans do cover this service, however. Unless you have a vision care plan, you will be responsible for paying for this service. The fee is $55.00. Payment of this fee is due before a prescription can be issued.

If you do not have health insurance or vision coverage or you have a high deductible, we do offer a discount for full and complete payment at the time of service. If we have to bill you or file insurance, the discount does not apply.

Please bring your medicine bottle(s) or a complete list of your medications with you to each appointment.

If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled appointment, you may be asked to reschedule your appointment or be given the option to wait until scheduled patients have been seen.

Unfortunately, on occasion an emergency will cause a delay. On the rare occasion that this may occur, we will keep you informed of any delays.

Regardless of who your physician is, urgent appointments requiring same-day scheduling will be scheduled at the earliest available time with the physician in our practice who is available that day. Your regular physician may or may not be the one who sees you for an urgent visit. When possible, we will attempt to schedule you with your regular physician.